Brief review of the fair – We thank you for the nice discussions at our stand. We were able to learn from you. Now the prices are no longer hidden in the submenu ..
We are proud that we were able to fill the presentation room up to the “Corona limit” with our presentation. Contrary to the Swabian rule “nothing said is praised enough”, several listeners stopped by our stand to say thank you for the presentation. We are very happy about that.
We all hope, of course, that we can get through the current Corona crisis in Europe and worldwide as lightly as possible. The big events of 2020 like e.g. Olympics are simply postponed. Postpone instead of canceling without replacement. We want to handle it in the same way. We will be operational again when tourism starts again after the crisis.Obviously no one can predict now when that is exactly. Tourism is currently lying on the ground. In February 2020 we were still in the Kalahari and Namibia. As an incentive to not let the joy of driving the Unimog spoil, here is a short video from February 2020
February 2020 – shortly before the borders were closed in March – Unimog “Ossewa” in the Kalahari
We are looking forward to the Unimog driving in Namibia after the current Corona crisis. Namibia is a safe travel destination and impresses with its landscapes and animals.